How To Report A Group In Telegram On PC

2020年4月23日—Yes,openthegrouporchannel,tapthethree-dotmenuandchoose'Report'.Youcanalsoopenthecontextmenuforaparticularmessageand ...,2019年4月29日—Tapthethreedotsinthetopcorner,andopenReport.SetreasonasOtherandtypeISISchannel.Itshould ...,2019年...。參考影片的文章的如下:


How can I report a channel or a group in Telegram?

2020年4月23日 — Yes, open the group or channel, tap the three-dot menu and choose 'Report'. You can also open the context menu for a particular message and ...

How do I report a group on Telegram

2019年4月29日 — Tap the three dots in the top corner, and open Report. Set reason as Other and type ISIS channel. It should ...

How do I report illegal content on Telegram?

2019年4月2日 — In Telegram (app versions), it is not an easy way to report a user or group but you can report a channel, tap on the channel icon (on top ...

How to report Telegram scams

2024年3月22日 — You can also directly report a Telegram scam account or channel by clicking on the three dots on the user profile screen and selecting Report.

Spam FAQ

When users press the 'Report spam' button in a chat, they forward these messages to our team of moderators for review. If the moderators decide that the ...

The Best Way To Report A Channel On Telegram In 10 ...

2024年6月26日 — How to report someone on telegram? · 1. Go to the group that you are facing that inappropriate behavior. · 2. Tap and hold on to the ...


2020年4月23日—Yes,openthegrouporchannel,tapthethree-dotmenuandchoose'Report'.Youcanalsoopenthecontextmenuforaparticularmessageand ...,2019年4月29日—Tapthethreedotsinthetopcorner,andopenReport.SetreasonasOtherandtypeISISchannel.Itshould ...,2019年4月2日—InTelegram(appversions),itisnotaneasywaytoreportauserorgroupbutyoucanreportachannel,taponthechannelicon(ontop ...,2024年3月22日—Youcanalsodirec...